

  • n. 野蛮人;粗野的人;哥德人



goth 哥特摇滚乐

来自Goth, 日耳曼族名,通常带有野蛮,粗鲁或黑色的含义,用来命名一种摇滚风格。


Goth (n.)
Old English Gota (plural Gotan) "a member of the Germanic people who lived in Eastern Europe c.100 C.E.," from Late Latin Gothus (plural Gothi), from Greek Gothos (plural Gothoi), from Gothic *Gutos, which is preserved in Gothic gutþiuda "Gothic people," the first element cognate with Old Norse gotar "men" (the second meaning "people; see Dutch). "The sense 'men' is usually taken to be the secondary one, but as the etymology of the word is unknown, this is uncertain" [Gordon]. The unhistorical -th- in the modern English word is from Late Latin.

They entered history in 3c. C.E. on the lower Danube and later invaded the Roman Empire and were converted to Arian Christianity. Used in sense of "rude or uncivilized person; savage despoiler" (1660s) in reference to their fifth-century sacking of Roman cities (compare vandal, and French gothique, still with a sense of "barbarous, rude, cruel"). In 19c., in reference to living persons, it meant "a Gothicist" (1812), that is, "an admirer of the Gothic style, especially in architecture." Modern use as an adjective in reference to a subculture style (typically with lower-case g-) is from 1986, short for Gothic in this sense.
By 1982, when the legendary Batcave club opened in London, the music press had begun to use the term gothic rock to describe the music and fandom around which a new postpunk subculture was forming. [Lauren M.E. Goodlad & Michael Bibby, "Goth: Undead Subculture," 2007]


1. In 493 Theodoric the Goth became King of Rome.

来自英汉非文学 - 历史

2. Alternative Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Goth Metal, Nu - metal.
另类金属, 死亡金属, 黑金属, 歌特金属, 新金属.


3. The goth that I talk about has no relationship with goth music.


4. I know what so - called goth culture is.


5. Goth techniques have the same objective : converting a programmer's logical data requests to physical form.
这两种技术有同样的 目的,都是把程序员的逻辑数据请求转换成物理形式.
